When it comes to auto insurance, it is basically a must-have in most places. In other words, the first thing to do after you buy a car is to obtain auto insurance. It’s vital to not just get an auto insurance plan but to obtain one that covers you for any event. Here at Dan Thompson Agency, we offer Raleigh, […]
What Is Covered By a Basic Auto Insurance Policy?
Protect Your Home in North Carolina
When disaster strikes, luck favors the prepared. If you’re reading this, you are probably aware of the benefits of insurance. Your home is your sanctuary, but is it protected? As a homeowner in North Carolina, it is important to know how home owners insurance could be your safety net. What is Home Owners Insurance? Home owners insurance protects the value […]
5 Tips For Making An Offer On A New Home
Are you shopping for homes for sale? This can be a heady and exciting time for prospective buyers — attending open houses, meeting with prospective sellers, admiring all the homes for sale in your desired location. At some point, you hopefully will narrow your search down to one or two properties. But before you rush in to make an offer, […]
Top Benefits of Reciprocating Air Compressors
When most people think of an air compressor, the reciprocating or piston compressor comes to mind. The reciprocating air compressor is often among the most expensive and crucial systems in production facilities. You’ll find these compressors in many commercial or industrial settings, such as automotive garages, home workshops, petrochemical plants, and gas transmission pipelines, among others. But mostly in areas […]
How To Clean Tough Stains Without Chemicals?
When looking to get rid of tough stains, always look to non-traditional cleaning methods. Going for this route will serve you and your home well. This indeed is something to think about when considering non-toxic cleaning options in Utah. As Nature Pro Cleaning’s John Warehime once said, “Chemical-free methods clean your home effectively and leave your home smelling fresh.” In […]
Winter Takeaway Meal Favorites
Winter is a great time to indulge in comfort foods — those hot and delicious dishes from our childhood and family dining experiences that we remember fondly. What says “comfort food” to you? Maybe it’s a platter of meatloaf made from your mom’s old recipe, with sides of mashed potatoes and gravy and green beans. It could be a pot […]
Deliverance: Pivoting to Online Food Orders in 2020
Many restaurants neglected to implement online ordering until COVID-19 made it a necessity. Right now, online ordering is one of the safest ways a restaurant can serve customers because it involves little to no human contact. However, quickly switching to an online ordering system has been a challenge for many businesses. Forty-seven percent of restaurants find the transition to offering […]
Lingerie for Everybody and Every Body
Do you ever wander through lingerie aisles in the store, admiring the alluring and elegant pieces you find? Do you always walk away without buying a thing because you’re convinced that lingerie only looks good on other people? You’re not alone. For years, the lingerie scene was dominated by the likes of Victoria’s Secret, where “sexy” was defined through homogeneous […]
Why Utilizing Raw Materials Is Important to Luxury Bath Towel Products
Wrapping up in a big, fluffy towel that’s super soft and absorbent after your bath or shower is an amazing feeling that exudes comfort and luxury. That’s what makes a towel that seems pillowy soft in the store such a massive disappointment when that softness vanishes after just one or two washes once you’re home. If you’ve been fooled into […]
3 Ways of Serving Smoked Spice Dishes for the Holidays
Are you cooking up your usual big holiday feast this year? Some families are sticking to their traditional menus, despite the pandemic and its restrictions that may limit attendance. Others are using the upcoming Christmas and New Year’s celebrations for trying out new holiday meal selections. If you are feeling adventurous this year and want to try your hand at […]